Interesting and surprising facts

Did you know ?

  • Canada is the second largest country in terms of area after the giant Russia. On the other hand, it is the eighth country with the lowest population density around the world, and had it not been for the continuous immigration to Canada, it might not have been mentioned in this article now.
  • More than half of the Canadian population holds a university degree.
  • Canada’s population is estimated at 37 million, roughly the same as the Japanese city of Tokyo.
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  • The country of Canada was not assigned a flag until 1965 and Canada officially had a national anthem in 1980, which means that these axiomatic official symbols are no more than 50 years old.
  • Canada has as many as 2 million lakes on its vast territory, and this is what makes life in Canada a fun thing amidst all this nature for sure.
  • Not only is the huge number of lakes strange, but the names are also strange, as Canada has a lake located in northeastern Manitoba and its name consists of 31 letters, which is Pekwachnamaykoskwaskwaypinwanik Can you read it?!
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  • Lacrosse and Hockey are the two official sports in Canada.
  • In 1947, Canada recorded the lowest temperature in its modern history, and at that time it was minus 81 degrees Celsius.
  • Canadians consume more macaroni and cheese than any other people in the world.
  • Perhaps no one knows that Canadians were the first to invent the game of basketball.
  • Canada is the world’s largest exporter of green lentils, accounting for more than 80% of global exports, 95% of which come from Saskatchewan.
  • Canada consumes more than 55% of its boxed macaroni and cheese than any other country in the world. They call this meal Kraft Dinner.
  • Under the city of Toronto is a system of lanes called PATH that connects about 1,200 shops and restaurants, 50 office towers, 20 parking lots, 5 metro stations, and a railway station that, according to Guinness World Records, is the largest underground shopping mall.
  • Have you ever thought about the idea of creating animal-safe roads? In fact, Canada is the best country in the world to do this. It has the safest roads for animals at all. There are many bridges over Banff National Park that are designed for grizzly and black bears, wolves, geese, deer, and even sheep, 38 underground tunnels and six Overhead walkways from Banff Park’s eastern entrance to the Yoho National Park border.
  • Canada declared war on Japan in World War II before the United States did.
  • In Canada, the Atlantic Ocean sometimes freezes so much that people play hockey on it.
  • Yonge Street in Canada is the longest street in the world, with an estimated length of 1896 km.
  • The Canadian Royal Canadian Mint makes coins not only for domestic but also manufactures for other countries totaling up to 89 countries all of which get their coins from Canada, the longest continuous contract for the production of foreign coins is with Barbados that has lasted for more than 30 years.
  • Canada is bordered by three different bodies of water, and has the longest coastline of any country in the world.
  • At one time, playing cards were used as currency in Canada.
  • All national parks in Canada are free for children.

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